
循证医学教学模式对医学生消化内科实习效果的影响 被引量:6

The Influence of Evidence-based Medical Teaching Model on the Medical Students Clinical Practice of Department of Gastroenterology
摘要 探讨循证医学教学模式在消化内科临床实习教学中的运用效果。对入科实习的60名本科生,随机分为两组:循证教学模式组和传统教学模式组,每组30人,带教时间均为一个月。结果显示,两组间理论考试成绩比较无明显差异,而循证教学模式组临床答辩成绩与传统教学模式组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);循证教学模式组在提高学生的学习兴趣和主动性、分析和解决问题的能力及检索文献资料的能力等方面比率高于传统教学模式组(P<0.01)。因此,把循证医学教学模式运用于消化内科临床实习带教中,能提高学生的学习兴趣,增强学生的自学能力以及评判性思维能力。 The objective of this research is to study the effect of evidence based medicine teaching pattern on clinical diges- tive system department practice teaching. To achieve the objectives, we employed the following methods: 60 college clini- cal interns were randomly divided into the experimental group (n=30,using the evidence--based medicine teaching meth- od) and the control group(n=30,using the traditional way teaching). The experimental time is one month. The Results revealed there is no obvious difference between the experimental group and control group on theoretical examination. But the practical examination of the experimental groups is Significantly different from that of control groups(P〈0.05 ). Com- pared with control group, the experimental groups have more interns with the interest in learning initiative, the analytic a- bility, the clinical problemsolving ability and mastering the literature search (P〈0.01). In a word, introducing the evi- dence based teaching medicine pattern in the department of gastroenterology clinical teaching process could enhances students' study interest, strengthen their selflearning ability and the diagnostic ability.
作者 于辉
出处 《医学与哲学(B)》 2012年第7期74-75,共2页 Medicine & Philosophy(B)
基金 山东省教育科学规划项目 项目编号:2008GG113 山东省高等学校教学改革研究项目 项目编号:2009428
关键词 循证医学教学模式 传统教学模式 实习效果 evidence based medicine teaching pattern, the traditional way teaching, practice result
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