Interests need to be weighed in justice, especially the trial on hard case, weighing system interests of which is great significance. The system interests have the characteristics of actuality, concreteness, broadness, etc, . The system interests need to be weighed based on the concrete different types which are clas- sified according to their internal contents in order to adapt to the categorization of legal system construction. Weighing interests needs to deeply analyze the system interests behind legal system and the following two steps can be adopted: one is to clarify the essential interests; the other is to elaborate extensively and list the con- crete interests involved in the system on the basis of the system concerned social broadness so as to weigh inter- ests appropriately. The criteria of weighing system interests are to be coordinated with public interests, which claim two demands: one is to choose an appropriate system in plural systems to avoid going astray; the other is to explore system interests combining with legal context 'to avoid erroneous judgment of interests. According to their functions, weighing system interests is the internal motive for leading the development of legal system and also the substantial standard of judging legal system effect.
China Legal Science