
石河子市心理咨询师自我效能感与社会支持、压力觉察的关系分析 被引量:8

Analysis on relations of self-efficacy with social support and stress perception among psychological counselors in ShiHezi City
摘要 目的:了解石河子心理咨询师自我效能感现状,探究心理咨询师社会支持、压力觉察与自我效能感之间的相关关系,关注心理咨询师心理状态,使其更好的从事心理咨询工作。方法:本次研究采取问卷调查法,共抽取了100名心理咨询师作为研究对象。其中,已考取国家三级心理咨询师资格证书的石河子大学在校学生50人,在社会上从事心理咨询工作的人员50人,发放自我效能感问卷、社会支持量表、觉察压力量表进行调查。结果:发现心理咨询师的自我效能感与压力觉察水平存在负相关。结论:积极关注外部压力与负性事件对心理咨询师的影响,有利于提高其自我效能感。 Objective: In order to understand the self-efficacy status level of psychological consultants in ShiHezi City, and to explore the relationships of social support, stress perception and self-efficacy. Paying attention to the psycho-logical situation of counselors, and better involve them in the psychological counselling jobs. Methods: The research was in method of questionnaire survey. To be taken from the 100 psychological consultants as the research object, who had ad- mitted to Level 3 Psychological Consultant Qualification Certificate 50 people in ShiHezi University, and another 50 people in the society. Self-efficacy Questionnaire, Social Support Scale, Perceived Stress Scale were tested in the investigation. Results: A negative correlation was found between self - efficacy and stress perception. Conclusion: External pressures and negative factors are actively regarded can enhance the self-efficacy of psychological consultants.
机构地区 石河子大学
出处 《农垦医学》 2012年第1期84-87,共4页 Journal of Nongken Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31160202)
关键词 心理咨询师 自我效能感 社会支持 压力觉察 psychological counselor self-efficacy social support stress perception
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