
广东省多孔菌的多样性(英文) 被引量:3

Polypore Diversity in Guangdong Province
摘要 2006—2011年间对中国广东省的木材腐朽菌资源进行了7次调查,期间共采集木材腐朽菌标本900余号,经鉴定,共发现多孔菌219种。文中提供了这些多孔菌的名录,其中包括寄主和采集号。 Seven surveys on wood-rotting fungi were carried out in Guangdong province during 2006-- 2011. Around 900 specimens of pomid wood-inhabiting fungi were collected, and 219 polypores were identified based on these samples. A critical checklist, including substrate and collecting data of each species, is provided.
作者 戴玉成
出处 《菌物研究》 CAS 2012年第3期133-142,共10页 Journal of Fungal Research
基金 National Natural Science Foundation of China(30910103907,31170018)
关键词 多样性 多孔菌目 分类 diversity Polyporales taxonomy
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