
小波域最小嵌入失真函数设计及其在隐写中的应用 被引量:2

Design of minimizing embedding impact function in DWT domain and its applications in steganography
摘要 为了提高隐写方案的安全性,提出一种基于最小嵌入失真原理和网格码的图像隐写算法。首先在离散小波域结合人眼视觉特性和整数提升小波变换设计了失真测度函数,主要考虑了亮度、频率和纹理掩蔽因子对载体失真的影响。然后结合网格码设计了隐写算法,将嵌入信息对载体的修改最小化并且集中在人眼不敏感区域。实验结果显示,方案具有良好的视觉不可见性,且能抵抗空域、小波域等隐写分析的攻击,安全容量达到0.4 bits/pixel。 In order to improve the security of steganography system, an image steganography method based on Minimizing Embedding Impact and Syndrome-Trellis Codes is proposed. First, a distortion function in discrete wavelet transform (DWT) domain was designed according to human visual system and integer lifting wavelet transform, which is mainly con- cerned about the influences of frequency, luminance, and texture masking factor to the cover distortion. Then, the Syn- drome-Trellis Codes are combined with the distortion function to propose the steganography method, to make sure that the embedding impact on the cover minimizing and centralizing is in the un-sensitivity domain. Experiments show that the pro-posed approach maintains a good visual quality of the stego-image and has a high security against steganalysis in space and wavelet domain. The security capacity can be about O. 4 bits/pixel.
出处 《中国图象图形学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第8期946-952,共7页 Journal of Image and Graphics
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863)基金项目(2007AA01Z429) 陕西省自然科学基金项目(2010JM8034) 武警工程大学基础基金项目(wjy201027)
关键词 隐写 最小嵌入失真 网格码 人眼视觉特性 整数提升小波 steganography minimizing embedding lmpact Syndrome-Trellis codes (STCs) human visual system(HVS) integer lifting wavelet
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