
创伤致截肢患者术前焦虑的护理干预及效果评价 被引量:4

Effect of nursing intervention on preoperative anxiety of patients with amputation due to trauma
摘要 目的探讨护理干预对减轻创伤致肢体截除患者术前焦虑的效果。方法对30例创伤致肢体截除患者自入院至手术时由专人对患者存在的心理问题进行针对性护理干预,分别向患者告知病情,在向患者通知手术10min后及术前10min内采用焦虑自评量表(SAS)测评并比较干预前后的焦虑水平。结果经护理干预后,患者的焦虑程度较入院时减轻。结论加强护理干预能有效降低创伤致肢体截除患者术前的焦虑程度,提高治疗的主动性和依从性。 Objective To discuss the nursing intervention effect on reducing anxiety of patients with amputation due to trauma. Methods 30 trauma patients needing amputation were given pertinent nursing intervention according to the psychological problems existing in them by special nurses from admission to operation. Self-rating anxiety scale (SAS)was used to evaluated the anxiety of patients ten minutes after informing them of the operation and ten minutes before the operation. The anxiety level was compared before and after the intervention. Results After the nursing intervention, the level of anxiety was alleviated compared with that on admission. Conclusions Strengthening the nursing intervention can effectively reduce the anxiety level of patients with amputation due to trauma before operation, and improve the initiative and compliance of treatment in patients.
出处 《中国实用护理杂志》 北大核心 2012年第23期3-5,共3页 Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing
关键词 肢体截除术 焦虑 护理 Limb amputation Anxiety Nursing
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