氯化银 T颗粒感光乳剂既具有 T颗粒的特点 ,如 :增感效果好 ,遮盖力高等 ,又具有氯化银乳剂冲洗快速的优点 ,因此越来越受到人们的重视。本文综述了这类乳剂的制备方法 ,本期刊登其第一部分 :[1 1 1 ]面氯化银 T颗粒乳剂 ,下期将刊登其第二部分 :[1 0 0 ]主面的氯化银 T颗粒感光乳剂。
Chloride T grain photographic emulsions perform intrinsic characteristics of tabular grains,i.e.excellent sensitizing efficiency,high covering power etc., and also perform specific advantages of silver chloride emulsion,e.g.rapid processing,thus is attracting more and more attention.This article presents a review of methods for their preparation.Part l,lll Faces AgCl T Grain Emulsions,is published in this numeto,Part 2,100 Faces AgCl T Grain Emulsions,will be published in the next numero of this magazine.
Image Technology