
基于农户行为响应的农村居民点整合模式探析——以重庆市合川区兴坝村为例 被引量:8

Analysis of the Pattern of Rural Settlement Integration Based on Farmers’Behavior Response:A case study in Xingba village, Hechuan District of Chongqing
摘要 农村居民点整合作为合理组织和有效配置农村土地资源、改善农村人居环境、促进农业规模经营和提升土地价值的重要手段,对其进行研究具有重要实践意义和理论价值。本研究运用相关行为科学的理论,构建了一个模型对农村居民点整合中农户行为响应的决策过程进行模拟,运用参与式农村评估对模拟过程进行农户调研,结合农户自身资源特征、住房情况与生计发展意愿分析不同类型农户的响应程度,根据不同类型农户农村居民点响应程度的差异凝练出兴坝村农村居民点的4种整合模式:农业发展型整合方式、兼业型整合方式、非农发展型整合方式和保留型整合方式。 The study about integration of rural settlement has important practical meaning and theoretical value for rural development because the integration of rural settlement is a reasonable and effective way to organize and allocate the rural land resources, and can improve the rural settlement environment, promote agricultural scale management and improve the land value. Based on the theory of relevant behavioral science,, this paper first constructed a model of rural settlement on the response of farmers' integration decision-making process. After that, it used participatory rural assessment to research farmers in a small village in Chongqing, and analyzed the responsiveness of different types of farmers considering their living situation, housing situation and the future development of livelihood. At last, the paper summarized different patterns of integrations based on the rural settlement response degree of different types of farmers. Xingba village is located in ErLang town, Hechuan district of Chongqing city; it is in the middle of hilly basin and has subtropical moist monsoon climate and an elevation of 290m to 430m. Many farmers in this village prefer to work in cities rather than stay at home, and we name these farmers farmer workers. We divide our team into seven groups and then have a deep interview with the farmers to get the 939 investigations, after that we put the survey data into the computer in our laboratory, and finally get the farmers' response data through the construction of peasant household behavior response model. In addition, with the help of the difference degree of response, the living situation, housing situation and the will of different types of farmers, we have deduced four integration modes on the integration of rural settlement in xingba village: agricultural development-oriented integration mode, household integration mode, non-agricultural development-oriented integration mode and retaining integration mode.
出处 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第8期1477-1483,共7页 Resources Science
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目(编号:11CGL056) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(编号:07JA630024)
关键词 行为响应模型 农村居民点整合 参与式农村评估 不同类型农户 Behavior response model Integration of rural settlement Participatory ruralassessment Different types of farmers
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