动物实验表明 ,锰能致肝损害 ,引起胆汁郁积、肝组织生化改变及细胞坏死。其毒性机制主要为细胞器损害和胆汁郁积性损害。然而 ,肝 MFO、脂质过氧化在锰的肝损害过程中作用如何尚未清楚 ,职业人群的锰肝脏毒性报道也极少 。
This article summarizes data from the literature about hepatic toxicity of manganese. The animal experiments showed that manganese may impair liver,cause cholestasis,hepatic biochemical and necrotic liver changes. The hypotheses to explain manganese hepatotoxicity were mainly the organelle and cholestasis impairments. However,it is not clearly to understand the mixed function oxidase (MFO) and lipid peroxidation in effects of manganese to liver,rarely to report the hepatotoxicity of manganese on exposed workers,which may be of particular importance for further studies.
Railway Occupational Safety Health & Environmental Protection