
自由意志是一种幻觉吗?——神经伦理学的视角 被引量:4

Is Free Will an Illusion? A Perspective of Neuroethics
摘要 自由意志和决定论的争论由来已久,双方各执一词却又无法说服对方。随着认知神经科学的发展,我们有望在实验基础上对传统的自由意志问题进行研究,从而得出一个科学的结论。本文基于对认知神经科学的实验和相关材料的解读,试图对自由意志的问题进行些许探讨。 The debate of free will versus determinism has been a long-standing problem. Both sides argue for their own viewpointbut neither can convince the other side. With the development of cognitive neuroscience, we hope to do research into the traditionalproblem of free will on the basis of experiments and thereby a scientific conclusion could be drawn. Based on the understanding ofexperiments with cognitive neuroscience and related materials, this paper tries to do some explorations into the issue of free will.
作者 亓奎言
出处 《自然辩证法通讯》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期13-18,125,共6页 Journal of Dialectics of Nature
基金 教育部人文社科一般项目(青年基金项目)(11YJCZH130)的阶段性成果 浙江财经学院校级重点项目(2010YJZ10)资助
关键词 自由意志 认知神经科学 神经伦理学 Free will Cognitive neuroscience Neuroethics
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