
指控软件可用性工程生命周期模型 被引量:1

Usability Engineering Life Cycle Model of Command and Control Software
摘要 针对当前装甲指控软件的应用现状和存在的问题,运用可用性工程理论和方法,提出了指控软件的可用性工程生命周期模型,该模型包括可用性需求分析、模型构建、可用性设计、可用性测试与评估、安装部署与使用体验、用户反馈等过程。通过与一般软件测试的比较,强调可用性测试实验环境的作用。该模型突出用户的作用,重视用户反馈,可为指控软件的设计和开发提供理论指导。 According to the application situation and questions of the command and control software, usability engineering life cycle model of the command and control software is proposed by using usability theories and methods. This model includes six steps: a)usability requirement analysis, b)model conduction, c)usability design, d)usability testing and evaluation, e)installation deployment and user experience, Ouser feedback. Comparing with general software testing method, usability testing experiment environment must be set up so as to acquire valid data. This model emphasizes the important role of users involvement. It is useful for designers to develop the command and control software.
机构地区 装甲兵工程学院
出处 《指挥控制与仿真》 2012年第4期61-65,共5页 Command Control & Simulation
基金 装甲兵工程学院创新基金项目(2011CJ076)
关键词 可用性 可用性工程 指控软件 可用性工程生命周期 usability usability engineering command and control software usability engineering life cycle
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