目的:为促进药品不良反应(ADR)监测工作提供参考。方法:分层抽取萍乡地区三级医院5所、二级医院15所以及一级医院14所,对上述医院在岗的医务人员实施现场问卷调查,建立数据库,利用SPSS 13.0统计软件分析。结果:萍乡地区各级医院医务人员对ADR英文缩写、ADR概念、上市后药品及中药是否存在ADR等知识认知度较好,而对医院ADR监测负责部门、ADR是否为医疗差错、《中华人民共和国药品管理法》是否有ADR法律条文等认知度较差;不同岗位对ADR知识的认知度存在差异,药学人员对ADR的认知度明显高于其他三类人员;医务人员对ADR呈报态度总体基本端正,但也存在误区;医疗卫生机构ADR监测工作还不够深入,工作重视程度不够。结论:应加强ADR知识宣传培训,端正ADR报告态度,增强医务人员报告意识,强化医疗卫生机构重视程度,提高ADR监测水平。
OBJECTIVE: To provide reference for the improvement of ADR monitoring in Pingxiang area. METHODS: Ques- tiormaire survey was conducted among the doctors from hospitals, including 5 third-class hospitals, 15 second-class hospitals, and 14 first-class hospitals, and the data of samples were analyzed statistically. RESULTS: The medical workers had a comparable good recognition degree toward the knowledge such as English abbreviation of ADR, conception of ADR, whether there were ADR after the drug went on sale and so on, but had a comparable poor recognition degree toward the knowledge such as monitoring and re- sponsibility department of ADR, whether ADR were malpraxis, whether Drug Management Law included lawful articles of ADR and so on. Different workers had different recognition degree toward ADR, and pharmaceutical workers had a higher recognition de- gree toward ADR than the other 3 kinds of workers. Medical workers had a right attitude for the report of ADR on the whole, but there were errors yet. Medical institution didn't go into depth on monitoring and didn' t attach enough importance to the ADR. CON- CLUSION: We should intensify the propaganda and training of ADR knowledge, correct the report attitude of ADR, strengthen the report awareness of the medical workers, reinforce the emphasis degree of the medical institutions and improve the monitoring level for ADR.
China Pharmacy
Medical workers
Adverse drug reaction
Recognition degree
Report attitude
Investigation analysis