目的:系统评价新型黏痰溶解剂对比氨溴索治疗慢性呼吸道疾病的祛痰效果的疗效。方法:计算机检索Cochrane图书馆、PubMed、EMbase、ISI、中国生物医学文献数据库(CBM)、中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)、维普数据库(VIP)、万方数据库,纳入新型黏痰溶解剂对比氨溴索治疗慢性呼吸道疾病的祛痰效果的随机对照试验(RCT),对纳入的RCT进行方法学质量评价和Meta分析。结果:共纳入5项RCT,合计537例患者。Meta分析结果显示,对照组痰性状控制[RR=1.00,95%C(I0.74,1.34),P=0.98]、痰量控制[RR=1.07,95%CI(0.91,1.25),P=0.42]、咳嗽频度[RR=0.88,95%CI(0.60,1.29),P=0.52]、综合有效率[RR=1.02,95%C(I 0.93,1.12),P=0.69]优于试验组,咳痰容易度[RR=0.93,95%C(I 0.69,1.24),P=0.61]低于试验组,但2组比较差异均无统计学意义;2组不良反应发生率比较差异无统计学意义。结论:新型黏痰溶解剂治疗慢性呼吸道疾病引起的咳痰困难,临床疗效好,不良反应少。
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy and safety of new mucolytic agent vs. ambroxol on eliminating phlegm for chronic respiratory disease. METHODS : Random controlled trails of new mucolytic agent vs. ambroxol on eliminating phlegm for chronic respiratory disease were gathered from Cochrane library, PubMed, EMbase, ISI, CBM, CNKI, VIP, Wanfang database; Methodology quality evaluation and Meta-analysis of included studies were conducted. RESULTS: 5 RCT with a total of 537 patients were ineluded.Meta-analysis showed that the control of phlegm properties [RR= 1.00, 95 % CI(0.74, 1.34), P= 0.98], sputum quantity [RR=1.07, 95%CI(0.91, 1.25), P=0.42], cough frequency [RR=0.88, 95%CI(0.60, 1.29), P=0.52] total ef- fective rate [RR= 1.02, 95%CI(0.93, 1.12), P=0.69] of new mucolytic agent group was better than that of ambroxol group,while the degree of sputum [RR=0.93, 95%CI(0.69, 1.24), P=0.61] was lower than that of ambroxol group, but there was no statistical significance in 2 groups; there was no statistical significance in the difference of ADR. CONCLUSION: New mucolytic agent could relieve difficult coughing due to chronic respiratory disease with sound clinical efficacy and slight adverse drug reaction.
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