目的采用HPLC法测定清眩糖浆中马钱苷的含量。方法色谱柱:KromasiL-C18(4.6 mm×250 mm,5μm);流动相:乙腈-水(20∶80);流速:1 ml·min-1;检测波长:240 nm。结果马钱苷在10.24~102.4μl·ml-1范围内与峰面积呈良好的线性关系,回归方程为:A=5.26×10-2+337.95 C,r=1(n=5),平均回收率为99.8%,RSD为0.7%。结论该方法简便、准确、重复性好,可有效地控制该制剂的质量。
Objective To establish an HPLC method for determining the loganin content in Qingxuan syrup to facilitate quality control of the preparation.Methods The chromatographic column was KromasiL-C18(4.6 mm×250 mm,5 μm) with a mobile phase composed of acetonitrile water(20∶ 80).The flow rate was 1 ml · min-1and the detection wavelength was 240 nm.Results The linear range of loganin was 10.24-102.4 μg · ml-1.The regression equation was A=5.26×10-2+337.95C,r=1(n=5).The rate of recovery was 99.8%.Conclusion This method is simple,accurate and reproducible,which can be used for quality control of Qingxuan syrup.
Pharmaceutical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army