目的 :掌握绞股蓝生长发育的最适光照条件 ,探讨光照强度与人工栽培绞股蓝质量的关系。方法 :在不同光强下栽培绞股蓝 ,测定其干物质生产量和总皂甙含量。结果 :40 %~ 85 %的相对照度有利于绞股蓝的生长 ,尤其在相对照度为 70 %左右时干物质生产量和总皂甙含量最高。结论 :立体栽培时 ,应造成相对照度为 70 %左右的光照条件 ,以获得高产优质绞股蓝生药材和种子。
Objective:To master the best illumination condition for Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Makino to grow,and to detect the relationship between the intensity of illumination and the quality of the artificially planted G.pentaphyllum.Methods:The author planted G. pentaphyllum under different illumination intensity,measured the guantity of the dry production and the content of gypenoside. Results:About 40%~85% relative illumination intensity is beneficial to the growth of G.pentaphyllum,especially when the relative illumination intensity reaches 70%.Conclusion:When three-dimensionally plants,we should select 70% relative illumination intensity to get the best and most productive material and seeds.