
基于非光滑观测器的迟滞三明治系统状态估计 被引量:2

State estimation for sandwich systems with hysteresis by non-smooth observer
摘要 针对带迟滞的三明治系统特点,构建了一种非光滑观测器以对系统状态进行估计.首先根据带迟滞三明治系统的特点,采用分离原理,建立了描述系统特性的非光滑状态空间方程.据此构造了能够随系统工作区间变化而自动切换的非光滑观测器,给出了相应的收敛定理及其证明.最后通过仿真,分别比较了非光滑观测器和传统的观测器对状态的跟踪效果,比较结果表明非光滑观测器对于带迟滞三明治系统状态变量估计的准确性要优于传统的观测器. A novel non-smooth observer is proposed to handle the state estimation for sandwich systems with hysteresis. Based on the characteristic of the system, a non-smooth state-space model is proposed by using the separation principle. A non-smooth observer is developed based on the state-space model. The observer is switched among different operating zones automatically according to the operating conditions. The convergence of the non-smooth observer is discussed. Simulation results are presented. The comparison between the proposed non-smooth scheme and conventional methods show that the former has better estimation performance than the others.
出处 《控制理论与应用》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第7期847-856,共10页 Control Theory & Applications
基金 上海师范大学重点学科资助项目(DZL811 DRL904 DYL201005 DYL201006) 上海市教育委员会科研创新资助项目(09ZZ141) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60971004) 上海市科委重点资助项目(09220503000 10JC1412200) 上海市自然科学基金资助项目(09ZR1423400 10ZR1422400)
关键词 非光滑观测器 迟滞 三明治系统 状态估计 non-smooth observer hysteresis sandwich system state estimation
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