

A Study on Analysis Framework of the Evolution of Logistics Outsourcing Based on Time Dimension
摘要 本文以时间维度对物流外包实践演进的阶段进行了划分,并对其构成内容进行了归纳和比较;通过对国内外物流外包理论相关文献的梳理,构建了一个与实践活动演进相支撑的理论分析框架;通过追踪国内外的最新研究,讨论未来物流外包实践演进以及理论研究的方向。 This paper divides the stages of the evolution of logistics outsourcing practices in terms of time dimension and generalizes and compares the constituent elements. Based on the collection and summarization of the literature of the the- ory of logistics outsourcing, the paper develops a theoretical framework based on the evolution of practices of logistics out- sourcing; Finally, the paper discusses the future direction of the evolution of logistics outsourcing practices and theoreti- cal research by tracking the latest research at home and abroad.
作者 韩超群
出处 《商业研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第8期211-216,共6页 Commercial Research
基金 湖北省软科学研究专项项目 项目编号:2010DZ006 湖北省教育厅人文社科青年项目 项目编号:2010q114 襄樊市重点科技计划项目 项目编号:2009GG3B04
关键词 物流外包 实践 演进 理论框架 logistics outsourcing practice evolution theoretical framework
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