Objective To explore the eftect of titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanopartieles on hemogram in rats with gastric ulcer. Methods Physieoehemical properties of TiO2 nanopartieles were characterized. Twenty-fimr clear class SD male rats, aging 8 week-old, were randomly divided into 4 groups, 6 rats for each group. 20% acetic acid were injected into the rats' stomach on the border of gastric body and pyloric antrum, and hereby established the gastric ulcer model. The rats in 4 groups were exposed to TiO2 nanoparticles through intragastrie administration at 0, 10, 50 and 200 mg/kg body weight respectively tor 30 days. Af)erwards, the rats were conducted blood routine test and blood coagulation test [br analysis. Results TiO2 nanoparticles were anatase crystals, closely spherical shape, whose average grain diameter was (75+_15) nm. The levels of white blood cell (WBC) count ((8.48±3.28)×10^9/L), lymphocyte (LYM) ( (6. 85±2.53) ~ 109/L), moncyte (MOD) ( (0. 27±0. 12) ×10^9/L), granulocyte (GRN) ((1.37±0.86)×10^9/L), red blood cell (RBC) ((8.20±0.49)×10^9/L) and hematoerit (HCT) ( (45.3 + I. 4)% ) in the 200 mg/kg dose group were significantly higher than those in the control group ((2.63±0.34) x 109/L, (2.25±0.26) x 109/L, (0.05 +_0.06) x 109/L, (0.33±0.26)×10^9/L, (4.87±2.37)×10^9/Land (27.2 + 13.3)%, respeetively;t values were -3.449, -3.825, - 3. 554, - 3. 097, - 2. 972 and - 2. 936 respectively, P values all 〈 0. 05 ). The levels of WBC ( ( 6. 88±3.06)×10^9/L) , MOD ( (0. 20±0. 07) ×10^9/L), RBC ( (7. 79±0. 48)×10^9/L) and HCT ( (42.7± 2. 8 ) % ) in 50 mg/kg dose group were also statistically higher than those in the control group ( t values were - 2. 507, - 2. 367, - 2. 605 and - 2. 511 respectively, all P values 〈 0. 05 ). There was no statistically difference found in other bloo^t routine index and coagulation index between the three experimental groups and control group. Conclusion The long term intake of TiO2 nanopartieles caused a statistically increase in the amount of WBC anti RBC in rats with gastric ulcer; however, there was no obvious changes found in blood p]atelet and coagulation index.
Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine