
航天云制造服务应用模式研究 被引量:17

Aerospace cloud manufacturing service application mode
摘要 为提升大型集团企业核心竞争力和产品创新能力,从加强管控和研制生产协作的需求出发,引入新型云制造模式。通过对航天产品研制过程各阶段的应用服务分析,提出航天云制造服务应用体系架构。基于该架构提出基于资源集约、支持集团集中管控、面向成员单位的资源共享、面向成员单位研制协同、对外协作五种航天云制造服务应用模式。通过实例分析对应用模式进行了验证,该模式为云制造服务在航天的实际应用提供了新的思路。 To improve the core competence and product innovation capability of large group enterprleses,accormng to the requirement of strengthening control and production coordination in large group enterprises, a new cloud manufacturing pattern was introduced. Through analysing the application services of each stage in aerospace product development process, an aerospace cloud manufacturing service application architecture was put forward. Based on this architecture, five aerospace cloud manufacturing service application modes included aggregate resources conservation, centralized management, resources sharing, developing cooperation and external coordination were proposed. The service application model was verified through an example. It provided a new idea for practical application of cloud manufacturing service in aerospace industry.
出处 《计算机集成制造系统》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第7期1595-1603,共9页 Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems
基金 国家863计划资助项目(2011AA040601 2011AA040602 2011AA040603)~~
关键词 航天 集团企业 云制造 服务 体系架构 应用模式 aerospace group enterprises cloud manufacturing service architecture application mode
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