
创新药药学研究的基本考虑和问题 被引量:4

Considerations on pharmaceutical research and development of innovative drugs
摘要 创新药研发有其自身规律和研发思路,研究工作应按照其规律有序开展,审评应遵循其自身规律采取不同策略。目前由于经验有限,国内创新药研究和技术评价还存在一定问题。本文对近年来的工作进行了总结,参照FDA、EMEA发布的IND申请药学研究技术要求,介绍创新药药学研究的基本考虑和重要问题。 The research and development (R&D) of innovative drugs should follow its own rules. The evaluation of innovative drugs should apply different strategies for investigational new drug applications (INDs)for phase 1, 2 and 3 and new drug application (NDA). Due to limited knowledge and experiences, there are some problems on R&D and evaluation of innovative drugs. This article is intended to introduce considera- tions and important issues on pharmaceutical research and development of innovative drugs, based on some experiences in innovative drugs evaluation and FDA and EMEA's guidelines on CMC information of INDs.
作者 王亚敏
出处 《中国临床药理学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第8期637-640,共4页 The Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
关键词 创新药 药学研究 基本考虑 innovative drugs pharmaceutical research and develop-ment consideration
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