本文报道了一种高效的 Er3+掺杂红外到可见的上转换氟氧化物玻璃材料。材料的组份为 6 0 Te O2 -8Pb F2 - 10 Al F3- 10 Ba F2 - 10 Na F- 2 Er O3/2 ,给出了样品的制备方法。测量了该材料在室温下的吸收光谱 ,在 80 8和 970 nm L D激发下观察到了非常强的上转换荧光 ,测量了在不同激发波长激发下 Er3+ 的绿色荧光 ,讨论了在 80 8和 970 nm激发下上转换发光的机理。测量了上转换发射光谱 ,研究了 L D的工作电流与上转换荧光强度的关系 ,证明了在 80 8和 970 nm激发下 Er3+离子的绿色上转换发射都需要两个激发光子。
In this paper,the fluoride-oxide glass doped wi th Er- 3+ for upconversion from IR to green was report.The component of sa mple in experiment is 60TeO 2-8PbF 2-10AlF 3-10BaF 2-10NaF-2ErO 3/ 2,and the prepared method is obtained.The absorption spectrum was measured a t room temperature.Intense green upconversion emissions from Er- 3+ doped the sample were observed under 808 nm and 970 nm excitation,and the upconversion emissions spectra under 808 nm and 970 nm LD excitation were measured at room t emperature.The upconversion mechanics was discussed.The relationship between wor king currents of LD and intensity of upconversion emissions has been studiet.The result was improved that needs of two photons for upconversion process under 80 8 nm and 970 nm excitation respectively.
Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis
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