

Research on the Relationship Between Language Teachers and Recasts
摘要 重铸作为一种常见的反馈方式被广泛应用于外语教学之中,重铸的效果受到诸多因素的影响。文章通过分析重铸的定义,重铸的方式,以及影响重铸效果的因素,强调教师在重铸过程中的重要性,并对从教师角度提高重铸效果,促进学生学习外语等方面提出了建设性意见和建议。 Recast is one of the fundamental ways of feedback that is adopted in foreign language teaching activities. The ettleaey of recast is influenced by various factors. This paper deseibes the definition, strategies, and influential faetors of recast, and then provides further suggestion for langngae teachers for the purpose of improving language teaching as well as learning.
作者 魏微
出处 《四川教育学院学报》 2012年第7期97-98,109,共3页 Journal of Sichuan College of Education
关键词 重铸 教师反馈 二语习得 外语教学 recast teacher feedback SLA foreign language teaching
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