
联合BNP、CA125和气急鉴别指数对呼吸困难的诊断价值 被引量:3

Diagnostic value of combining BNP,CA125 and dyspnea discrimination index in differentiating etiology of patients with dyspnea
摘要 目的探讨BNP、CA125和气急鉴别指数在呼吸困难病因鉴别中的诊断价值。方法 65例入选患者分为心源性呼吸困难组和肺源性呼吸困难组,分别测定BNP、CA125、动脉PaO2和呼气峰值流速(PEF),并根据公式(PEF X PaO2)/1000,计算气急鉴别指数(DDI)。结果心源性呼吸困难组BNP、CA125和DDI明显高于肺源性呼吸困难组(P<0.01),且随心功能级别的增加,BNP、CA125水平显著升高(P<0.01);对BNP 100~500Pg/ml区间患者,应用DDI诊断肺源性呼吸困难的敏感性为83.33%,特异性为72.73%。结论测定呼吸困难患者血清BNP、CA125水平,同时应用DDI能更准确地鉴别呼吸困难的病因。 Objective To explore the diagnostic value of combining BNP 、CA125 and dyspnea discrimination index(DDI) in differentiating etiology of patients with dyspnea.Methods BNP levels,CA125 levels,arterial PaO2 and peak expiratory flow rate(PEF) were measured in all 65 patients with dyspnea who were divided into cardiac dyspnea group and pulmonary dyspnea group.DDI were calculated by(PEF X PaO2)/1000.Results BNP levels,CA125 levels and DDI in cardiac dyspnea group were significantly higher than those in pulmonary dyspnea group(P〈0.01),and the higher the grade of heart function,the higher the BNP levels and CA125 levels.The sensitivity was 83.33% and the specificity was 72.73% respectively in diagnosing pulmonary dyspnea by using DDI on BNP levels between 100 pg/ml and 500 pg/ml.Conclusion Determining the serum BNP and CA125 of patients with dyspnea,and applying the DDI at the same time were wore accuracy in differentiating etiology of patients with dyspnea.
作者 李芳
出处 《临床肺科杂志》 2012年第9期1575-1576,共2页 Journal of Clinical Pulmonary Medicine
关键词 BNP CA125 气急鉴别指数 呼吸困难 BNP; CA125; dyspnea differentiation index; dyspnea;
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