

Expression of GAD in the Hippocampus and Passive Avoidance Behaviour of Fmr1 Knockout Mice
摘要 目的探讨Fmr1基因敲除小鼠的学习记忆功能和海马的谷氨酸脱羧酶(GAD)表达变化的关系。方法对4周龄和6周龄的基因敲除型(KO)鼠和野生型(WT)鼠分别连续进行2天的被动回避行为的避暗和跳台实验观察后使用免疫印迹技术检测海马GAD的表达变化,根据所获得的数据进行多因素方差分析处理。结果避暗实验中,4周龄和6周龄KO鼠潜伏期比WT鼠明显少(P<0.05);而KO鼠的错误次数比WT鼠明显多(P<0.05);4周龄和6周龄KO鼠或WT鼠的潜伏期、错误次数无差异(P>0.05),同周龄WT鼠第一天的潜伏期和错误与第二天相比无差异(P<0.05)。跳台实验中,4周龄和6周龄KO鼠的潜伏期比WT鼠明显少(P<0.05);而KO鼠的错误次数比WT鼠明显多(P<0.05);4周龄和6周龄KO鼠或WT鼠的潜伏期、错误次数无差异(P>0.05);同周龄第一天KO鼠的潜伏期和错误次数与第二天相比无差异(P>0.05);同周龄第一天WT鼠的潜伏期和错误次数与第二天相比有显著差异(P<0.05)。GAD65/67蛋白在KO鼠海马表达比WT鼠增多(P<0.05);随着周龄的增加,6周龄KO鼠或WT鼠的GAD65/67蛋白表达比4周龄表达增多(P<0.05)。结论 4周龄和6周龄Fmr1基因敲除小鼠存在认知功能障碍,海马的GAD的表达异常变化可能介导Fmr1基因敲除小鼠学习记忆障碍。 Objective This study was designed to compare the behaviour defferences at four-week and six-week age in passive avoidance test and to observe the expression of GAD of hippocampus. Methods Fmrl knockout mice were identified using the PCR technique, and passive avoidance behaviour was used in the study. Immunoblotting was used to compare with the changes of GAD. The data were analyzed with multifactor variance analysis. Results In step-through test, KO mice obviously had the shorter latency than the WT mice of the same week, but KO mice obviously had more numbers of errors than WT mice (P 〈0.05); On the first day, the latency and numbers of errors of KO mice had no difference compared with the second day (P 〉0.05); On the first day, the latency and numbers of errors of WT mice had distinct difference compared with the second day (P 〈0.05). In step-down test, KO mice obviously had the shorter latency than the WT mice of the same week, but KO mice obviously had more numbers of errors than WT mice (P 〈0.05); On the first day, the latency and numbers of errors of KO mice had no difference compared with the second day (P 〉0.05); On the first day, the latency and numbers of errors of WT mice had distinct difference compared with the second day (P 〈0.05). KO mice had more expressions of GAD 65/67 protein (in region of the hippocampus) than the WT mice of the same week (P 〈0.05). Between the different ages, the six-week KO mice and WT mice had more expressions of GAD 65/67 protein (in region of the hippocampus) than the four-week counterpart (P 〈0.05). Conclusions Fmrl knockout mice display cognitive impairment in passive avoidance test at our-week and six-week age, The changes of GAD protein in KO mice may play an important role in their abnormal learning and memory behavior in Fmrl knockout mice.
出处 《临床医学工程》 2012年第8期1248-1250,共3页 Clinical Medicine & Engineering
基金 广东省科技计划项目(2011B080702009)
关键词 被动回避行为 FMR1 基因敲除 GAD 海马 Passive avoidance test Fmrl Knockout mice GAD Hippocampus
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