
基于空间场景相似性的烤烟种植适宜区分析 被引量:7

Analysis of Suitable Region for Flue-cured Tobacco(Nicotiana glauca L.) Planting Based on Spatial Scene Similarity
摘要 [目的]基于空间场景相似性的评价将烤烟(Nicotiana glauca L.)种植适宜区的土壤、坡度、交通、水利、日照以及社会经济等条件在地理信息中进行建模,构建烤烟种植的空间场景,通过与优良烤烟区的比较分析确定新的烤烟种植适宜区。[方法]选取云南省红河哈尼族彝族自治州的石屏县的龙朋镇和哨冲镇进行对比分析,共选取了30个自然条件因子,共分9类。[结果]9类因子及其权重排列顺序为ω土壤>ω日照>ω海拔>ω坡度>ω水利>ω交通>ω烘烤设施>ω历年种植、规划>ω其他,该地区种植烤烟的地理条件相似度为0.894 3,说明两个地区的烤烟种植条件基本上是相似的。将非自然条件因素考虑进去,如把单位面积烟田的农户数量、单个农户的耕地数量、农户劳动力人口数、农户子女上学人数、农户的受教育程度、农户烤烟种植的积极性、当地烤烟辅导员的工作等因素考虑进去再进行分析,各因子权重排序为ω单位面积烟田的农户数量>ω单个农户的耕地数量>ω农户烤烟种植的积极性>ω农户的受教育程度>ω农户劳动力人口数>ω当地烤烟辅导员的工作>ω农户子女上学人数,该地区种植烤烟的地理条件的相似度为0.703 1,说明影响该地区烤烟产量和品质的因素主要是非自然条件。[结论]基于空间场景相似性评价的烤烟种植适宜区分析,能够分析两个空间场景种植条件的相似性并对其作出评价,将有助于进一步了解影响烤烟生产的因素及其对烤烟生产所起的作用。 [ Objective ] The purpose is to propose an analysis model based on spatial scene similarity. In this model, factors influencing flue- cured tobacco planting suitable region analysis, like soil type, slope, transportation condition, water conservancy, sunlight and social-economy environment, make up spatial scene. New suitable flue-cured tobacco planting region was confirmed by comparing and analyzing them with ex- cellent planting region. [ Method] Longpeng Town and Shaochong Town of Shiping County, Honghe Hani & Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Yun- nan Province were chose as objects to compare and analyze, and 30 natural condition factors were collected and divided into 9 classes. [ Re- suit] 9 classes' weight is in the following order: Soil type 〉 sunlight 〉 altitude 〉 slope 〉 water conservancy 〉 transportation condition 〉 bak- ing facilities 〉 planting plans over the years 〉 the others, the geographical conditions similarity for planting flue-cured tobacco in this region is 0. 894 3, showing that this two region's condition is similar for planting flue-cured tobacco. Considering the other unnatural condition factors, their weight is in the following order: The number of farmers in unit area flue-cured tobacco field 〉 the number of farmland per farmer 〉 ac- tiveness of farmer planting flue-cured tobacco 〉 farmers' educational background 〉 the number of labor force population 〉 the work of the lo- cal flue-cured tobacco counselors 〉 the number of farmer's children going to school, and the geographical conditions similarity for planting flue-cured tobacco in this region is 0. 703 I , showing that the main factor of influencing flue-cured tobacco's yield and quality is unnatural con- dition. [ Conclusion] Suitable region for planting flue-cured tobacco analysis based on spatial scene similarity assessment can study planting conditions' similarity of two spatial scenes and put out appraisal, which contributes us to deeply know the influencing factors for flue-cured to- bacco production and their actions.
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2012年第24期11987-11990,共4页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
关键词 空间场景相似性 烤烟种植 适宜区 Spatial scene similarity Flue-cured tobacco planting Suitable region
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