
乳房假体大小与形态的选择 被引量:3

Selection of the volume and shape of mammary implant in breast augmentation
摘要 目的探讨隆乳术中正确选择乳房假体大小与形态的方法。方法通过502例隆乳术后乳房大小与形态的变化,并参考术前胸部各项测量参数,总结出选择合适的乳房假体大小与形态的方法。结果术前胸廓的横径即H值是选择乳房假体横径的重要参数,以此推算出的乳房假体横径能满足乳间沟较明显及乳房外侧亦较丰满的要求。胸骨切迹中点S到乳头N的距离SN是选择水滴形乳房假体(解剖型乳房假体)高度的重要参数。假体直径和高度确定后,增大乳房体积主要靠增加假体突度实现。对于胸部扁平、比较消瘦者,水滴形假体是较好的选择。结论术前胸廓的横径及乳房的大小等参数是选择乳房假体大小与形态的重要指标。圆形假体和水滴形假体具有各自的适应证。 Objective To explore the methodology of choosing the volume and shape of the mammary implant. Methods The changes of the volume and shape were analyzed in 502 cases of breast augmentation, to find out how to select the volume and shape of the mammary implant. Results The thoracic width H was the most important factor of choosing width of the implant; the SN was the important factor of choosing the height of the anatomic implant; After setting the diameter and height of the implant, a bigger breast could be achieved by increasing the projection of implants. For those very thin females with flat chest, anatomic implants were the better choice. Conclusions Thoracic width, breast volume and other data are the most important factors in choosing the mammary implant. Round and anatomic mammary implants have their specific indications.
出处 《中华医学美学美容杂志》 2012年第4期257-260,共4页 Chinese Journal of Medical Aesthetics and Cosmetology
关键词 圆形乳房假体 水滴形乳房假体(解剖型乳房假体) 胸廓宽度 Round mammary implant Water-drop shape implant (anatomic mammary im-plant) Thoracic width
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