目的了解昆明市区12岁儿童患龋状况,分析龋病与口腔健康行为的相关性,为龋病的预防及针对性的口腔健康教育提供科学依据.方法对昆明市区12岁年龄组儿童600人进行口腔检查及问卷调查,分析儿童牙齿的患龋率和龋均,将调查数据进行Sperman相关分析.结果 600名受检者中患龋率为40%,龋均0.815.良好的刷牙习惯、定期检查、氟化物的使用有利于减低龋病的发生,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),牙线使用与龋病无明显相关性,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).糖果、巧克力、碳酸饮料、加糖果汁等含糖食物与儿童患龋有相关性,3餐间加餐(含糖)危险度明显高于不加餐者,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).喝牛奶与龋病无明显相关性,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).多吃新鲜水果有利于降低龋病的发生,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 12岁年龄组患龋率、龋均高于全国第3次口腔健康流行病学的调查结果.应加强家长、儿童的口腔健康教育,养成良好的口腔卫生行为习惯,树立良好的防治理念.
Objective To investigate Kunming and analyze the correlation between prevention of caries and oral health education the current condition of dental caries in 12 year-old children in oral health behavior and caries, and to provide scientific basis for Methods The oral examination and questionnaire were designed for 12 years-old primary school students of Kunming to analyze prevalence rate of caries and DMFT. The survey data were analyzed by Sperman correlation. Results The prevalence of caries of 600 students was 40%, and DMFT was 0.815. There was significant relationship between caries and good brushing habits, regular inspection and the use (ff fluoride (P 〈 0.05). There was significant relationship between caries and candy, chocolate, carbonic acid drink, juice which full of sugar. It was obviously dangerous when they had snack besides 3 dinners, the difference was statisticcally significant (P 〈 0.05). Drinking milk had no obvious correlation with caries (P 〉 0.05). Eating fresh fruit was beneficial to reduce the incidence of disease, the differences was statically significant (P 〈 0.05 ). Conclusions The prevalence of caries and DMFT in 12 year-old age group are relatively high. We should strengthen the parents, children's oral health education, adopting a good oral health behavior habits, and setup the good control concept.
Journal of Kunming Medical College
Dental caries
Risk factors