目的探讨婴儿肾母细胞瘤CT表现特征,提高术前诊断水平。方法回顾经手术病理证实的6例肾母细胞瘤病例资料,年龄均小于1岁,全部采用64排CT平扫和动脉期、静脉期和延迟期强扫描,分别观察肿瘤的大小、边缘性状、密度、囊性病、残肾形态、下腔静脉、双侧肾静脉异常变化。结果 6例中单肾病变4例、双侧2例,平扫2例显示点状钙化,直径大小7.2~11.3cm,平均8.83cm。肿瘤边缘均清楚、包膜完整、囊变明显,其中囊性区平均CT值21HU;增强后肿瘤实实质部分均显著强化,动脉期瘤体与正常残肾组织分界清楚呈"新月形"特征。下腔静脉、肾静脉均未见异常。结论婴儿肾母细胞瘤的CT表现具有一定特征性,结合临床一般术前不难诊断。
Objective Study of infant nephroblastoma of CT shows features Improve preoperative diagnosis level. Method8 CT manifestations of 6 cases of nephroblastoma proved by surgery and pathology were analyzed retrospectively.All the patients received plain scans and enhancement with intravenous contrast medium. Observe the size, edge of the tumor, density of Cystic components, Capsule solid component of the performance Characteristics,the remaining renal form, situation of The inferior vena cana, bilateral renal vein. Results There were 4cases with single lateral tumors, 2 cases with double lateral tumors, 2 cases with the speckled calcification, the tumors had complete envelope in pathology, 7.2-11.3cm in size, clear edge, mainly with cystic, The elements of cystic equally CT value is21HU. The tumor solid component was markedly enhanced, the remaining renal parenchyma exhibited a "new-moon shape". The essence and the remaining renal strengthen the most obvious contrast in the arterial phase, The inferior vena cana, bilateral renal vein are normal. Conclusion Infant nephroblastoma of features CThave its own ultrasound characteristics, Combined with clinical general preoperative not difficult to diagnosis.
Journal of Rare and Uncommon Diseases