目的通过64SCT对膀胱癌分期与病理分期的对比,评价64SCT对膀胱癌分期的价值。方法使用东芝Aquilion64排CT扫描机对50例经手术或膀胱镜病理证实的膀胱癌患者进行盆腔平扫、增强扫描,分析其CT表现。结果 I期22例,II期14例,IIIb期6例,IVa期8例,对膀胱癌周围组织侵犯的评价与术中所见符合率达88.8%;与手术病理分期结果呈显著正相关。移行细胞癌75%好发于膀胱侧壁、顶壁,三角区占19%;腺癌好发于三角区;发生于三角区的癌灶占所有癌灶的24%。结论 64SCT是术前对膀胱癌进行临床分期的理想工具,为临床治疗方案的选择提供可靠的依据。
Objective To compare 64-SCT staging with pathological staging in bladder cancer and evaluate the value of 64-SCT in staging. Methods The pelvic plain scans "arterial and venous phase enhancement scans were performed in 50 cases with bladder cancer with the Aquilion64-SCT. Results Ⅰ 22 cases, Ⅱ 14 cases, Ⅲb 6 cases, Ⅳa 8 cases, the results of 64-SCT, Violations of the surrounding tissue of bladder cancer evaluation and surgery findings consistent rate is 88.8%. staging and pathologic staging in bladder cancer have significant positive correlation ship. 75% of transitional cell cancers originated in the later wall, hanging wall of urinary bladder, and only 19% took place in the trigone of bladder . Bladder adenocarcinoma usually take place in the trigone of bladder. 24% of all bladder cancer loci took place in the trigone of bladder. Conclusion 64-SCT staging in bladder cancer provide more accurate non-invasive criterion for bladder cancer clinical diagnosis.
Chinese Journal of CT and MRI