
面向多租户的门户资源管理框架 被引量:3

Multi-tenant resource management framework for portal
摘要 为了提高企业信息门户中间件平台的资源利用率,提出了一个面向多租户架构的资源管理框架。针对门户应用场景中资源的特点,在建立资源模型的基础上,通过元数据描述租户与资源的映射关系,并针对不同类型的资源,提供相应的资源共享和隔离机制。在提高资源利用率的同时,向资源使用者屏蔽对租户敏感资源的访问细节,简化多租户环境中逻辑资源的管理问题。将该框架应用于OncePortal门户中间件,并在此基础上进行了实验分析,结果表明了框架的可行性和有效性。 In order to improve the utilization of resources in the enterprise information portal middleware platform, a multi-tenant oriented resource management framework is presented. According to the characteristic of resource in portal scenario, a resource model is established. Metadata is used to describe the mapping relationship between tenant and resource. For different types of resources, specific mechanism for resource sharing and isolation is provided. This approach can not only improve resource utilization, but also encapsulate the details when resource users accessing tenant sensitive resources, so that the management problem for logical resources in multi-tenant environment is simplified. In the end, this framework is applied to a portal middleware named OncePortal, and make experimental analysis on the prototype. The result prove the feasibility and effectiveness of the framework.
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第8期3016-3022,共7页 Computer Engineering and Design
基金 国家863高技术研究发展计划基金项目(2011AA040504) 国家973重点基础研究发展规划基金项目(2009CB320704) 国家科技重大专项核高基项目(2010ZX01042-001-001-05)
关键词 多租户 资源管理框架 资源模型 资源共享 虚拟门户 Multi-tenancy Resource Management Framework Resource Model Resource Sharing Virtual Portal
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