
员工工作幸福感形成机制及其提升策略 被引量:3

How to Improve Employee Work Well-Being──Based on Its Forming Mechanism
摘要 员工工作是否具有幸福感影响到员工的工作绩效及其离职倾向,目前企业员工工作幸福感存在一定程度的缺失,影响其工作积极性,甚至导致员工缺勤和离职。全面的工作幸福感包括工作满意感评价、情感评价和价值感评价,员工工作幸福感受个人因素、工作特征因素、企业层面因素的影响,其形成受到牵引机制、阻力机制、调节机制三种机制的影响。为提升员工工作幸福感,企业应关心和满足员工基本需求,努力提高激励水平,注重因人而异合理进行工作分析和设计,同时建立员工援助计划(EAP)以减轻员工压力,完善留人机制以加强员工工作安全感,完善人与组织匹配的招聘模式。 Employees work well-being affect their performance and intension to leave,the comprehensive employee work well-being includes job satisfaction evaluation,emotion evaluation and perceived value evaluation,it’s affected by personal factors,work characteristic factors and enterprise level factors,so traction mechanism,resistance mechanism and adjustment mechanism influence its formation process.Therefore,the enterprise should meet staff basic need,strive to improve the level of incentive,pay attention to make job analysis and design become more suitable,and set up an employee assistance program(EAP),improve the reserve mechanism and person-organization fit recruitment mode in order to improve employee work happiness.
出处 《企业活力》 2012年第8期46-51,共6页 Enterprise Vitality
关键词 工作幸福感 影响因素层次模型 形成机制 提升策略 work well-being impact factors level analysis model formation mechanism improving strategies
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