

Life change and health improvement in the trying zone for program of control of schistosomiasis in Jinxian County decreases infection rate of soil-transmitted nematodes
摘要 目的进贤县血防试点区采取综合防治措施显著改变了居民生活方式,本研究旨在探究这些改变对土源性线虫感染率的影响,为今后利用改善生活卫生状况来降低寄生虫病感染率提供科学依据。方法从2005年到2009年在疫情监测试点内,每年秋都采用改良加滕厚涂片法检查大批样本,通过一粪三检以查血吸虫,蛔虫和鞭虫及可能的其它线虫。结果蛔虫感染率由2005年的27.60%降至2009年的2.12%,鞭虫由2005年的61.98%降至2009年的28.66%。结论采取综合防治措施后,土源性线虫感染率呈逐年下降趋势。 Objectives comprehensive measurements carried out in trying zone of Jinxian County for the program of control of schistosomiasis,dramatically change the way of people life and environment.The objective of this investigation is to explore the influence of those changes on infection rate of soil-transmitted nematodes,Also provides scientific evidence for reducing the infection rate of the nematode by improving health and life way.Methods Surveillance sites and target populations were in the trying zone of Jinxian County,and the monitor period covers from 2005 to 2011.samples sampled in the autumn of every year and eggs of Schistosoma japonicum,Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura and other nematodes were three-timely examined by the Kato-Katz technique Results The infection rate of Ascaris lumbricoides dramatically decreased from 27.60% in 2005 to 1.37% in 2011,and the rate of T.trichiura reduced from 61.98% in 2005 to 17.09% in 2011.Conclusion After carried out the comprehensive control program of schistosomiasis,the infection rate of soil-transmitted nematodes in the trying zone decreased year by year from 2005 to 2011.
出处 《求医问药(下半月刊)》 2012年第6期853-854,共2页 Seek Medical and Ask The Medicine
关键词 血防 进贤县血防试点区 土源性线虫 感染率 疫情监测试点 control of schistosomiasis Jinxian County trying zone of control of schistosomiasis program soil-transmitted nematode infection rate epidemic surveillance sites in trying zone
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