
涮辣与辣椒属5个栽培种亲缘关系的研究 被引量:12

Studies on the Genetic Relationship Between Capsicum frutescens var. shuanlaense and Other Five Cultivated Capsicum Species
摘要 利用筛选出的11对ISSR引物对涮辣(Capsicum frutescens L. var. shuanlaense)和辣椒属5个栽培种[一年生辣椒(Capsicum annuum)、灌木状辣椒(C. frutescens)、中国辣椒(C. chinense)、浆果状辣椒(C. baccatum)和绒毛辣椒(C. pubescens)]共计71份种质的DNA进行PCR扩增,共扩增出112条谱带,多态性平均为90.17%,材料间遗传相似系数在0.049~0.875之间。在相似系数为0.31时,涮辣与C. frutescens聚在一组,说明涮辣属于C. frutescens。Capsicum frutescens var. shuanlaense与C. annuum亲缘关系最近,其次是C. chinense,与C. baccatum亲缘关系较远,与C. pubescens亲缘关系最远。相似系数为0.397时,供试的66份C. annuum材料进一步分为7个亚组,个旧皱壳辣、建水樱桃椒各自单独聚在一起,其它基本按长角椒(var.longum)、指形椒(var.dactylus)+短锥椒(var. breviconoideum)、灯笼椒(var. grossum)、樱桃椒(var. cerasiforme)和簇生椒(var. fascicutatum)聚类,与辣椒植物形态学分类结果大体一致。 The study of the phylogenetic relationship was carried out with ISSR molecular markers among Shuanla (Capsicumfrutescens L. vat. shuanlaense) and other five cultivated Capsicum species (Capsicum annuum, C. frutescens, C. chinense, C. baccatum and C. pubescens ) including 71 pieces of germplasm in total. Genomic DNA was amplified with 11 screened ISSR primers by PCR, a total of 112 polymorphic bands were amplified, polymorphism bands reached 90.17% in average. Genetic similarity coefficient of all material located between 0.049 and 0.875. At the point of the similarity coefficient 0.31, C. frutescens var. shuanlaense and C. frutescens which originate in USA was classified in a group, which proved C. frutescens var. shuanlaense belonged to C. frutescens with molecular measure. C. frutescens var. shuanlaense had the closest relationship with C. annuum, followed by C. chinense, and C. baccatum more distantly related, the relationship with C. pubescens is the most distant. At the point of similarity coefficient 0.397, 66 pieces of germplasm belong to C. annuum were further classified into 7 subgroups,Gejiu Wrinkled Pepper and Jianshui Yingtaojiao (C. annuum var. cerasiforme) were separated into two subgroups. The rest were var. longum, var. dactylus + var. breviconoideum, var. grossum, var. cerasiforme and var.fascicutatum. Basically they are consistent with the pepper morphological classification results.
出处 《园艺学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第8期1589-1595,共7页 Acta Horticulturae Sinica
基金 云南省自然科学基金项目(2008CD136)
关键词 辣椒属 遗传差异 ISSR 聚类分析 Capsicum genetic diversity ISSR cluster analysis
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