
英国国家创新战略中的高校科研评估制度改革 被引量:12

Research Assessment System Reform in UK's National Innovation Strategy
摘要 上世纪90年代以来,英国顺应国际潮流颁布了一系列文件以推动国家创新战略,重要内容之一是加大科研投资。在英国,非常重要的一条科研投资渠道是高等教育拨款委员会的拨款,而该项拨款的基础是科研评估制度。然而推行了20多年科研评估制度缺陷明显,主要表现为耗资巨大、指标落后、妨碍创新。为解决此问题,在2008年评估结束后,英国高等教育基金委员会决定对科研评估制度进行改革。改革体现在四个方面:缩减评价单元、更新评估指标、改变评估对象和转换评估方式等。其中最为重要的变革是科研成果影响力这一评价指标的引入,反映了英国推动科研成果转移速度、建设创新型国家的战略和决心。 Since 1990s, following the international trends, UK published a series of documents in order to promote national innovation strategy. One of the most important contents is to increase research funding. For a long time, the main tunnel of fun- ding comes from Higher Education Funding Council based on the result of Research Assessment Exercise (RAE). However, RAE has its fault, includes four aspects: costly expenditure, obsolete indicators and impeding innovation. To solve these prob- lems, Higher Education Funding Council launched new reform to RAE: reducing assessment unit, amend indicators, change ob- ject staff and assessment methods. The new system titled Research Excellent Framework (REF). The most important change of REF is the impact of research has been introduced into new assessment. It reflected UK' s strategy and ambition of to promote na- tional innovation.
作者 姜亚洲
出处 《全球教育展望》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第8期51-54,96,共5页 Global Education
关键词 英国科研评估制度 影响力 创新 REF impact of research' innovation
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