

Clinical Analysis of Percutaneous Vertebral Angioplasty Treatment Vertebral Fracture Compressibility Middle-aged
摘要 目的:探讨总结经皮椎体成形术(PVP)在治疗中老年性椎体压缩性骨折(VCFs)的疗效。方法:分析2008-07~2011-10以来随访资料完整的24例老年椎体骨折患者,其中男性10例,女性14例,年龄在52~79岁之间,平均年龄68岁,详细记录术前和术后1、3、6个月、1年时的病人状况,进行临床效果及影像学分析。结果:随访12~24个月,平均18个月,临床有效率96%,患者疼痛明显减轻,椎体压缩率均有明显好转,椎体高度和强度基本恢复,再骨折1例。结论:C型臂X光机或CT连续扫描引导下的椎体成形术为良好的治疗老年性骨折的方法,能够迅速缓解疼痛,有效的恢复椎体高度和纠正后凸畸形,但需要严格掌握适应症和禁忌症。 Objective:To study the summary pereutaneous vertebral angioplasty (PVP) in the treatment of senile vertebral fractures (compressibility VCFs) curative effect. Methods:To analyse July 2008 to 2011 since October follow -up data integrity 24 patients aged vertebral fracture patients, including male 10 cases, female 14 cases, at the age of 52 ~ 79 years between, average age 68 years old, detailed records preoperative and postoperative 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year patients condition, clinical effect and imaging analysis. Results :the follow - up of 12 -24 months, an average of 18 months, clinical efficient 96%, patients pain ligtening obviously, vertebral compression ratio are obviously improved, vertebral body height and intensity basic recovery, 1 case of subsequent fracture. Conclusions : C ann X - ray machine or CT scanned continuously guided vertebral laminoplasty for better treatment of fractures of the method, which can be quickly relieve pain, efficient recovery vertebral body height and corrected protrusion deformity, but need strict control indications and contraindications.
出处 《航空航天医学杂志》 2012年第8期922-923,共2页 Journal of Aerospace medicine
关键词 老年压缩性椎体骨折 椎体成形术 临床疗效 手术 Compressibility vertebral fracture Elderly vertebral angioplasty Clinieal curative effect Surgery
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