Research the efficient paths equalization algorithm of urban water supply system. Water supply system according to the water supply control request water supply path. In the morning and evening rush hour of urban water supply at the request, the balance of water supply to keep the equilibrium path task more calculation. The traditional method using only less top node as an equilibrium node, because of the extra workload top node unable to undertake this task equilibrium increase, causing network data transmission path balance of low efficiency. In order to solve this problem, this paper put forward a path equalization algorithm based on ZigBee network the cost of the energy of the water supply system. Through the establishment of the water supply system each node energy cost price cost model, according to the path of energy assigned balance control task to each node in the network that share the complete path balanced task, avoiding using only a few the top node equilibrium and brings balance the efficiency is not high. The simulation results show that the improved method can finish high efficiency water supply system of the path the bal- ance control, and satisfactory results were obtained.
Computer Simulation
Path equilibrium
Overhead energy
Cost model