
Web导航行为范畴模型一致性与安全性研究 被引量:1

Research of Consistency and Security for Web Navigation Behavior Category Model
摘要 范畴理论为各数学学科提供了一种公共的语言、工具、思维方法和研究手段,其中作为形式结构的素描是一种基于图的规范,是形式建模和验证的有效方法.文章给出了Web导航行为的线性素描,构建一个基于范畴理论的形式模型,这一模型符合由素描所描述的要求和规范,提出了通过建立自由范畴来检验模型一致性的方法,讨论了导航模型的安全性,并给出了一些相应的安全性规则和检查方法. Category theory provides a kind of common language, tool, thinking method and study means for other mathematics subjects, in which a sketch as a formal structure is a specification based on graphs and an effective method for formal modeling and verification. This paper gives a linear sketch for the Web navigation behavior, and constructs a formal model based on the category theory, which satisfies the given requirements and the specification described by the sketch, and proposes a method of the model consistency checking by constructing the free category, and discusses the security of the navigation model. Some rules of the security together with the corresponding approach to security checking are given as well
出处 《湘潭大学自然科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期111-116,共6页 Natural Science Journal of Xiangtan University
基金 湖南省自然科学基金项目(11jj6056)
关键词 范畴 线性素描 形式模型 WEB导航 一致性检查 category linear sketch formal method Web navigation consistency checking
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