

Resource Status Management Based on Historical Idle Records
摘要 针对高性能计算能耗墙挑战,本文提出了一种基于历史空闲信息的资源状态管理算法-PARC。PARC算法记录结点的空闲历史信息,动态设定空闲结点进入休眠状态的时机。模拟实验表明,PARC算法能够在有效控制结点能耗状态切换次数的同时实现有效的节能。 A power-aware resource state control algorithm-PARC is proposed to relieve the energy crisis of high-performance computing. The PARC algorithm records the idle logs of the nodes' power state, and dynamically hibernate the idle nodes to save power. The simulation results show that the PARC algorithm can achieve effective energy savings with good control on the switching frequency of the nodes' power states.
出处 《计算机工程与科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第8期131-134,共4页 Computer Engineering & Science
关键词 能耗感知 资源管理 休眠 唤醒 power-awareness resource management hibernation wakeup
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