本文从我国能源结构和节能潜力分析以及大气污染现状等方面出发 ,对“煤净化燃烧生成物产品化”技术应用对环境的改善作了系统分析。研究结果表明 ,“煤净化燃烧的同时生成物产品化”技术是解决大气污染和改善环境的一项十分现实和有效的高新技术 ,是配合实施我国两控区的控制目标的最好技术支持 ,是一项集节约能源、改善环境、提高效益和造福人类的新工艺和新技术。特别是它解决了长期困扰我国环境保护部门的大气污染和固体废弃物污染环境的问题 ,具有很好的推广前景和应用价值。推广范围越大 ,宏观环境效益越显著。
Based on the analysis of energy structure and energy conservation as well as air pollution status of China, we studied and analysed the improvement environment of the application of the new technique of “clean combustions of coal and its production” . The results indicated that the new technique of “clean combustions of coal and its production” is a practical and effective high technique of solving air pollution and improving environment. It is also the best technique support for implementation of “two control region” control targets. It is a new-aggregated technique of energy conservation, improving environment and increasing effective as well as benefiting humankinds. Especially, it figures out the air pollution problems and solid waste pollution and environmental problems, which is a puzzle problem of Chinese environmental department. This new technique has all-right extending foreground and applicable value. The more extended of this technique, the more distinct of its macroscopical environment benefit.
air pollution
clean combustion of coal
two-control region
energy conservation