
人工移植精荚技术在斑节对虾育苗中的应用 被引量:2

Application of artificial sperrmatophore transplantation in penaeus monodon nursery
摘要 采用单人操作法,对斑节对虾实施人工移植精荚技术,观察对虾人工移植精荚技术在斑节对虾育苗生产中的应用情况。结果表明:采用人工移植精荚技术可使雌虾多次产卵受精,使有限亲虾得到充分利用,从而降低育苗成本,达到增产目的;实施人工移植精荚手术的最适宜时机为斑节对虾脱壳后12~24h,成功率高达97.3%;精荚获取以夹取法最佳,该法操作方便、效果较好,夹取后精荚可以再生、成熟,而挤压和虹吸两种方式对亲虾影响较大,成功率不高;术后亲虾经4~5 d精养,卵巢可发育成熟再次产卵,并且幼体孵化、生长等方面与非手术亲虾所繁育幼体生长无明显差异,可以达到类似自然交配的效果。 This paper described the application of artificial spermatophore transplantation in Penaeus monodon nursery production. The results showed that the artificial spermatophore transplantation could let female shrimp fertilize repeatedly and fully utilize the expensive parent shrimp, and thereby reduce the nursery costs and increase the production. The artificial spermatophore transplantation technology include spermatophore obtainment and implantation. Among three methods for spermatophore obtainment including extraction, extrusion and cannulation, the method of extraction was more convenient and effective since the spermatophore could regenerate and become matured after extraction. While the methods of extrusion and cannulation had greater impact on parent shrimp and the success rate was not high. A spermatophore was implanted in every transplantation implantation procedure by single person operation. The best time for obtaining the highest success rate of artificial spermatophore transplantation for Penaeus monodon was within 12 to 24 h after shelling. After 4 or 5 days of intensive culture, the ovary of parent shrimps could fully grow and spawn again, and the offsprings were without obvious different from those of non - surgical parent shrimp breeding in larvae hatch and development, the natural mating can be obtained.
作者 洪心
出处 《福建水产》 2012年第4期331-334,共4页 Journal of Fujian Fisheries
关键词 人工移植精荚技术 斑节对虾 育苗生产 应用 artificial spermatophore transplantation technology Penaeus monodon nursery production application
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