
基因组Mapping系统索引构建原理 被引量:2

Index Building Principle in Genome Mapping System
摘要 基因组mapping是将由高通量测序技术产生的大量短read数据映射到人类参考基因组,对基因组表达量分析,SNP位点预测及疾病预测有重要意义。首先,介绍基因组mapping的研究背景和研究现状,介绍mapping系统中索引构建的基本概念和主要方法,并重点分析基于BWT结构的索引构建原理,同时也介绍序列比对的主要加速方法。最后,以总结BWT技术和mapping系统索引构建中涉及的相关方法和原理,揭示了新型索引技术的本质。 Genome mapping is a procedure that could map a large number of short read data produced by High-throughput sequencing technologies to the human reference genome.And it has a great important rneaning on analysis of expression of the genome, SNP site forecast and disease forecast.After a description of genome mapping background and the present situation of the research, this paper gives an in- troduction of basic structure of index concept and main method in mapping system.Then the paper emphatically puts forward the systematic analysis on index buiding principle based on BWT data structure, as well as presentation of main method of speeding up the sequence align- ment. Finally, this paper gives main summaries of BWT technology, related method and principle involved in index constructing of mapping system, therefore reveals the essence of new index technology.
出处 《智能计算机与应用》 2012年第4期47-49,共3页 Intelligent Computer and Applications
关键词 高通量测序 基因组mapping 索引 BWT结构 High-throughput Sequencing Genome Mapping Index BWT Structure
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