
外保温系统火灾场景及防火试验方法 被引量:5

Fire Scenes and Fire Test Methods of Exterior Insulation System of Building Envelope
摘要 本文分析了外墙外保温系统的火灾场景,总结了窗口火试验方法确立的过程,介绍了窗口火试验方法在我国的发展。由此建议国家行业主管部门抓紧按照该方法对我国典型的外保温系统构造做法进行试验验证,建立各类外保温系统的防火性能基础数据,用于指导外保温系统防火性能的提高与改进。 In this paper, fire scenes of exterior insulation system of building envelope were analyzed, and the process for determining the window-fire test method was summarized. In addition, the development procedure of this test method in China was introduced. Based on the analysis, it was suggested that the national competent authorities should carry out the test validation for typical thermal insulation systems, and then establish the fundamental database on fire performance of various thermal insulation systems, so as to enhance the fire performance of exterior insulation system.
作者 朱春玲
出处 《建筑科学》 北大核心 2012年第8期50-55,共6页 Building Science
关键词 防火安全 火灾场景 防火试验方法 fire safety, fire scenes, fire test method.
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