为使啤酒原料国产化 ,以黑龙江农垦总局新开发的适合种植于我国东北土壤气候的东北垦啤 2号大麦为原料 ,通过酶活分析和传统制麦方法相结合 ,研究了新品种大麦的最佳制麦工艺 ,并探讨了大量推广应用的可能性。按最佳制麦工所得成品麦芽各项指标均优于一级品 ,其中 ,糖化力、糖化时间、α 氨基氮。
The malting process of Hordeum sp.kenpi No.2 from Northeast China, and the enzyme system during the barley germination were studied. The optimum condition for malting was that the barley was steeped at 16?℃, water changed every for 3 hours with air rest for 12 hours, the gibberellic acid was 0.3 ppm after germination for 12 hours, the optimum degree of steeping was 47%, and the malting time was 4 days. The final malt quality from this condition was super to the first level of Chinese Malt Standard; even some qualities such as the diastatic power (DP), α amidogen nitrogen (α AN), soluble nitrogen(SN). were better than the excellent level.
Journal of Dalian Institute of Light Industry