
经直肠电刺激取精术治疗不射精症附20例报道 被引量:5

Rectal probe electroejaculation in the treatment of ejaculatory failure (20 cases report)
摘要 目的探讨经直肠电刺激取精对不射精症治疗的安全性及有效性。方法采用CGS型电刺激取精仪对20例不射精患者进行经直肠电刺激取精。20例患者中功能性不射精患者16例,器质性不射精患者4例。结果20例患者经3~11min的刺激均一次性成功取出精液,精液量为(2.3±0.8)ml,精子密度为(64.0±23.6)×106/ml,精子总活力(10.1±4.4)%,快速前向运动精子(5.7±3.2)%,精子存活率(21.3±12.5)%,pH值7.15±0.64。20例患者中有6位患者通过经直肠电刺激取精后采用生殖辅助技术进行人工授精,其中4例妊娠,单胎妊娠,有2例流产,2例生育。结论经直肠电刺激取精术为不射精症患者提供了一种安全、可靠、无创和可重复的新方法。 Objective To investigate the safety and efficacy of the rectal probe electroejaculation(RPE) in the treatment of ejaculatory failure. Methods RPE procedures were performed in 20 men with ejaculatory failure by the electrical stimulate instrument(CGS Model, Italy). Of the 20 patients with ejaculatory failure, 16 were functional nonejaculation and 4 were nonorganic ejaculation. Results Adequate sperm samples were successfully obtained from the 20 patients. The semen volume was (2.3±0.8) ml, the sperm density (64.0±23.6)× 106/ml, the sperm total activity (10.1 ±4.4)%, the rapid forward movement of sperm (5.7±3.2)%, and the sperm viability (21.3 ±12.5)%, pH (7.15 ±0.64). The spouse of the six patients received the help of ART in 20 patients, four of their spouse were pregnant,and all were singleton pregnant, two suffered from miscarriage and two gave birth. Conclusion RPE is a safe, reliable, non-in invasive, repeatable method to obtain semen.
出处 《中国男科学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期35-37,共3页 Chinese Journal of Andrology
关键词 取精术 不射精症 不育 男性 sperm retrieval ejaculation disorders fertility, male
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