The important research project at Yangzi Petrochemical Co. (YPC) - a commercial unit for catalytic hydrogenation of ethylene glycol (EG) was successfully put on stream on November 3, 2011. Since commissioning of this unit the aldehyde removal effect has been satisfactory with the UV value of EG product exceeding that required for the premium grade to effectively tackle the problem for control over EG quality and solve
The important research project at Yangzi Petrochemical Co. (YPC) -- a commercial unit for catalytic hydroge- nation of ethylene glycol (EG) was successfully put on stream on November 3, 2011. Since commissioning of this unit the aldehyde removal effect has been satisfac- tory with the UV value of EG product exceeding that required for the premium grade to effectively tackle the problem for control over EG quality and solve the bottleneck constraining the increase in EO production. This achievement has symbolized SINOPEC's unprec- edented in the world attempt for successful application of catalytic hydrogenation technique in commercial production of EG.