Objective To induce liver-derived CDllc+ dendritic cells (DCs) proliferation by transfecting plasmid macrophage and granulocyte colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) genes into mouse liv- er, and compare the biological characteristics of liver DCs between plasmids-treated group and control group. Methods We adopted an established approach to transfeet a gene into mouse livers by tail-vein rapid injection of naked plasmids carrying the gene. Plasmids carrying genes encoding GM-CSF (20 μg) in 2.0 ml saline were injected at 0. 3 ml/s into mouse tail veins 7 days prior to isolation, then DCs were isola- ted from NPC by digestion in 20 ml collagenase IV and Pereoll density gradient centrifugation as described previously, and ultimately purified using magnetic beads. At 3rd, 5th, and 7th day after injection, the he- patic sections were stained by hematoxylin & eosin staining and examined under a microscope. At the 7th day, the number of NPC got the peak. Morphology of DCs was studied microscopically with Giemsa stai- ning, and immunological characteristics of DCs were studied by flow eytometry. Results Liver nonparen- chymal cells were dramatically increased in the liver portal and periportal areas in the treated group, but not seen in the control group. At 7th day after treatment, the proportion of DCs in liver NPC was 35% , while that was 5% in control group. Morphologically, the CDs in both the control and treated groups had a- bundant cytoplasm with few granules, and irregular and eccentric nuclei, however the later had more typi- cal dendritic processes. Flow cytometry showed the expression levels CIMO, CDdO, and CD86 were higher in the treated group than in the control group. Conclusion CD11 c + DCs were expanded in vivo in the mu- rine livers by rapid tail-vein injection of plasmids carrying genes encoding GM-CSF in a large amount.
Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery