
高职室内设计专业AutoCAD制图课程教学改革探讨 被引量:1

Discussion on Vocational Interior Design Professional AutoCAD Drawing Course Teaching Reform
摘要 探讨AutoCAD制图课程教学改革思路,提出要按职业岗位需要。以任务驱动、项目导向的教学模式来设计课程内容,提倡理实一体化教学,倡导以生为本,因材施教。结合传统教学现状。指出教学改革必须加强教学场所建设、提高教师队伍素质、改进教材编写现状。 Explore the AutoCAD drawing course teaching reform ideas put forward in accordance with professional jobs that require task-driven, project-oriented teaching model to design the course content, to promote the integration of management real traching, advocacy-oriented, individualized. Combined with traditional teaching situation, teaching reform must strengthen the construction of teaching sites, enhance the quality of teachers, to improve the status of the compilation of tea-ching materials.
作者 肖琼霞
出处 《科教导刊》 2012年第21期117-117,147,共2页 The Guide Of Science & Education
关键词 AUTOCAD 教学改革 教学设计 AUTOCAD teaching reform teaching design
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