自动调速系统是应用较为广泛的电力拖动自控系统 .根据其物理系统建立数学模型 ,利用科学与工程计算工具 MATLAB所提供的 SIMULINK进行动态建模 ,在计算机上进行仿真实验 ,对于设计、调试各种新型调速系统具有开放性强、结构易修改。
The automatic speed regulating system is a widely used automatic control system of electric traction. A mathematical model has been developed based on its physical system and dynamic modeling is performed using SIMULINK provided by the scientific and calculating tool the MATLAB. The results of simulation experiments on a computer show that the model proposed has such advantages as strong openness,the ease with which to modify its construction,and a high repeated utilization ratio.
Water Resources and Power