
服务认知—行为模式对一线员工服务绩效影响研究——以酒店和旅行社为例 被引量:6

A Study on the Impact of Service Cognition-behavior Model on the Service Performance of Frontline Employees:A Case Study of Hotels and Travel Services
摘要 在以往的服务管理研究中,服务绩效的影响因素很多,然而没有文献研究员工对服务的概念性界定对服务绩效的影响。基于行为识别理论,文章提出服务认知—行为模式对一线员工的服务绩效存在影响。该研究利用旅行社业和饭店业402名一线服务员工的问卷调查数据,部分验证了所提出的假设,实证结果发现:(1)对顾客理解型服务认知—行为模式具有最高的角色外服务绩效,对工作规范型服务认知—行为模式具有最低的角色外服务绩效;(2)对工作规范型服务认知—行为模式具有最低的角色内服务绩效,对顾客理解型和手段型服务认知—行为模式具有较高的角色内服务绩效。 There used to be many affecting factors about service performance in the past studies of service management. However, no literature study is available about the impact of staffs service conceptual definition on service performance. Based on the theory of behavioral identification, the paper proposes that service cognition- behavior model has impact on the service performance of frontline staff. By using the data of the questionnaire of 402 frontline employees in hotels and travel services, the paper tries to partly test the hypothesis proposed. The empirical results find that 1. the win-win service model is associated with the highest level of extra-role service performance and the standardized-style service model is associated with the lowest level of extra-role service performance and 2. the standardized-style service model is associated with the lowest level of role-prescribed service performance while the win-win and means service model is associated with higher role-prescribed service performance.
出处 《旅游学刊》 CSSCI 2012年第8期45-52,共8页 Tourism Tribune
基金 国家自然科学基金(41101147) 教育部社科基金(11YJC630048)联合资助~~
关键词 服务认知-行为模式 服务绩效 角色内服务绩效 角色外服务绩效 service cognition-behavior model service performance role-prescribed service performance extra-roleservice performance
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