
天然化合物的电离辐射防护作用研究 被引量:3

Study on radioprotective effect of natural compounds against ionizing radiation
摘要 电离辐射伤害生物体,而且越来越多的人暴露在辐射环境中,如太空探索、放疗和核医学。所以,辐射防护剂的研究成为现在的热点。但是由于合成化合物的毒性限制了其在临床中的应用,迄今为止,并没有找到理想的辐射防护剂。天然化合物广泛应用于医学中,研究发现,它们也是较好的辐射防护剂。本文主要针对天然化合物包括多酚、黄酮、花青素、多糖、褪黑激素等的辐射防护作用,以及可能的防护机制进行综述。研究发现天然化合物可能是通过清除自由基、抑制脂质过氧化、增加内源性抗氧化酶和抑制DNA损伤等活性达到辐射防护的作用。 Ionizing radiations produce deleterious effect in the living organisms and the population of human becoming exposed to radiation environment(e.g, space exploration, radiotherapy and nuclear medicine) is rapidly increasing. The development of radioprotective agents has been the subject of intense research. However,to date,no ideal radioprotectors are available as most synthetic compounds are toxic and have limited use in clinical practice. Natural compounds are widely used in traditional systems of medicine,and which have been evaluated as significant radioprotectors. This article reviewed some of the most promising natural compounds,such as polyphenols,flavonoids,anthocyanins,polysaccharides,and melatonin and they seemed to exert their effect through antioxidant activity,lipid peroxidation inhibition,increase of antioxidant enzymes,inhibition of DNA damage and so on.
出处 《食品工业科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第16期372-376,共5页 Science and Technology of Food Industry
关键词 电离辐射 辐射防护剂 天然化合物 ionizing radiations radioprotective agents natural compounds
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